Sticker Boy

Hello to everyone, big and small, furry or not. Welcome to my blog, a place where I share my stories, adventures and mishaps. My human mummy Sheila decided that every extraordinary airedale (such as me) should have a dedicated website or blog, so that's why this blog was spawned. We've added a 2nd Airedale into our pack. Rummy is a cheerful outgoing younger brother, and the both of us make life worth living for our human Mum. Cheerio
This is my natural "stacking" position. Mum doesn't need to adjust my legs and stuff (like how handlers fuss and meddle with the show dogs on TV), she tells me to "Stand" and I lock up. I was standing here waiting for my treat, as I normally get treats when I do my drills, but no, she takes out her camera and goes trigger happy. I wait and I wait and then I break my "Stand" command. Finally she gets me a Merrick G.I bone. These things are great. I go whammy crazy for these things because I'm teething now. I get engrossed in these bones for 15-30 mins at a time, nothing can get my attention like these Merrick bones. Yummy.. Aunty Lydia was the one who introduced mum to Merrick Bones. What a delightful Aunty she is.
Don't mess with my bone. Yup, don't even think about it!
After a while of playing, mum says its time to go out to pee. I walk to the door and then I pee outside. I haven't made a mistake in the house for many days now, I think mum's really happy. Then I wait for her to open the door and say "ok, come in". I can't come in until she says so. Then we play some more.
But what good is a cave tunnel when I can't be a REAL dragon? I was being so funny today. Guess what? I stole a bag of treats. Yup, mum keeps a secret stash of fantastic treats in a ziplock bag in her carrying bag. I found the bag on the floor today, so I dug my head in, and searched around for it. Woaw, I found the bag, carried it and ran down the flight of steps with mum chasing behind me shouting, "Kimi, oh my goodness!". Of course I didn't stop, I could see her coming up close from the corner of my eyes. I quickly dashed and ducked into the tunnel. I sat around nicely, with my stolen treasure, and gave mum a wink. She didn't scold me, so I just feasted on my treats. Yummy.
These are my portraits
Everyday, I go out with mum on her numerous errands, shopping, visiting Daddy in his office with lunch, going to training, the post office, yada yada yada. I normally chill out at the back of her jeep in my bagel bed. (Yup, mum had the genuis idea to move my bagel bed into the jeep) I have loads of toys back there. I love it. I ride very well in the jeep or in Daddy's Touareg. No car sickness, no misbehaving, no pee or poop accidents, nada. I'm the perfect dog in a car.
Goodnight, I'm off to dreamland
Do you like me in my blue jersey? Its fabulous.
After training today, mum let me go offleash to play a little bit with Vit and Vit is a big dog (Australian Cattle Dog I think). We roughed and tumbled and I got scratched on my nose somehow. It hurt so much so I yelped and I bled a little. No one made a fuss, though I wish mum did, and I had to stay on a "Down" next to Vit so I don't get scared of him in future. But I was fine, later on I still went on to play with other puppies my size at a puppy party, so I'm not bothered, but don't you think I look like I need some hugs?
Note the dried up blood and open scratch. Poor me.
Today, I lost my first tooth, one of my front teeth fell out.
Next thing I know, mum whips out the blue buzzer and hands me a treat. Ok, I know the drill, she's going to clipper me just like what we did the first time she groomed me. So ok, I stay still and cooperate. Mum says I'm a very good boy when she grooms me. Two hours later, and a few potty breaks, check out the new me. And the fur...
Then, that's not the end, Mum whips me into the car and we drive off to Aunty Lydia's place. We went there for a party some weeks back, and I met Stella and Alice. As you can remember, Stella is my littermate.
I found out from mum, Aunt Lydia has been so gracious to agree to glue my ears for the very first time. The glue will help my ear leather fit into the desired look and will make me more handsome than I already am. Well, ok mum, if you say so. Stella had just had her ears glued too. Stella said its a very scary thing to have ears glued, but when Aunt Lydia took those treats out, all my fears flew out of my head. I just let her fondle and grope at my ears as much as she liked. Mum just stood by and watched, and said really sweet things to me. It wasn't that bad at all.
But do I really have to wear that PINK doctors bandwrap? I look so girly. And I couldn't see a thing because the wrap was covering my eyes.
This is the end result after glueing. I think we look good. I've got much bigger ear flaps than Stella.
Alice comes by to say hi.
The best part about coming to Aunt Lydia's house is we get loads of treats. Check out Stella helping herself to Aunty Lydia's treat bag.
Another best part about coming to Aunty Lydia's house is Alice has tonnes of toys. Her house is doggie heaven. We get to run and tumble and play all the time. Its wonderful.