Just Another deMonic Monday

Hello to everyone, big and small, furry or not. Welcome to my blog, a place where I share my stories, adventures and mishaps. My human mummy Sheila decided that every extraordinary airedale (such as me) should have a dedicated website or blog, so that's why this blog was spawned. We've added a 2nd Airedale into our pack. Rummy is a cheerful outgoing younger brother, and the both of us make life worth living for our human Mum. Cheerio
This is my sister Stella, we were littermates. She's in a red bandana. I asked her, "if I playbite you, will you playbite me back too? It'll be fun". Stella certainly did not hold back. Look at her smile as I'm biting her shoulder.
She's having as much fun as me. I played mostly with Stella, and not with the other adults, because they were much bigger than us. With Stella, I played bitey face and chase almost the entire afternoon. We tired each other out and it was fun.
This is a picture of me as I was waiting for mum to go home. I was so tired but I sure had fun. I hope mum brings me to more airedale parties. We need more of them up here in the Northwest.
At first, I just licked and licked at it, I didn't really know how to approach this new food. Then I started biting it here and there, and crunched the bones at the back of my mouth on the molars. I used my front teeth to pull and shear the meat, but it is really tough.
After half an hour of trying, I just got tired and gave up. Mum and dad didn't help me by cutting up the meat into smaller pieces because they said it was time for me to learn how to eat like a real big boy. The meat and tendons and stuff was supposed to clean and floss my teeth. I'm supposed to get good gum exercise too. So I couldn't manage eating the rabbit by myself. After almost an hour, mum took my barely eaten carcass away and said we'll try again at lunch. Booger..
Here is a picture of me and my parents at the end of my class
Training is sometimes fun, and also quite stressful. But I let mum and dad know I still enjoy it because I wag my tail around when I do something right, and I get hugs, praise and lots of love too. I never pass a chance to get a hotdog treat. They are simply delicious. The faster I associate the word command to the action I'm supposed to do, the faster I get the treat.
Sometimes I get grumpy and I throw tantrums. I scream at the top of my lungs because I just don't feel like it. No one is hurting me, and they just want me to follow a command, but I just won't do it. I just scream and hope they'll get so annoyed with me and let me get away with it, but NO.... they still tell me to do it, regardless. Then I obey and I get a treat and all is well again. My tricks just don't work on my parents. This sucks..
The wonderful thing about going to training is that I get to meet the resident dogs and also other dogs undergoing training. Here are some pictures of me meeting Enya, who belongs to Lisa my trainer. Enya is a beautiful and obedient German Shepherd. She is about 2 years old, and is very well trained. She is now on a 'Climb' command and is not allowed to come down from her platform to meet me. So I'll meet her halfway. She is very grand looking.
Meeting bigger dogs than me on a regular basis at my training centre, especially because they are well trained dogs, has helped me to build my self confidence and has taught me good doggie manners. I am not rude when I meet other dogs, big or small, nor do I get overly excited or anxious, and I must thank all the resident dogs at my training centre for this. I'm just normal when I meet big dogs. I used to be extremely shy, but not anymore.
I still remember the first time I came to training, I was only 9 weeks old. There was a huge Malinois called U who belonged to Michael, my other trainer. He is a magnificent dog, very alpha, and I was so scared of him. When U came near me, I would run under the chair and table and hide. Then I realized all U wanted to do was smell my butt and say hello. Before I knew it, I really liked U and look forward to seeing him every time I go for lessions. If U was there on his platform (on a 'Climb' command) then I would go up to him, wag my tail intensively and say hi nicely. I always love meeting U.
At home, mum has been adding a few more commands for me to learn,
After 4 weeks being with my mum and dad, and being only 3 months old, I think I have achieved quite a lot. I'm not the best yet, and I've still got heaps to learn, but one step at a time. Mum thinks I still need to practice to build up my "reliability".
Here is a pic of me practicing my drills (look at my sad face)
After training, I take a nap at my favorite place in the house - at the front door. A puppy can never have too much sleep. I found out that mum has been increasing the number of times we've been training everyday, and also increasing the duration of our training sessions. I try to sleep as much as I can so that I don't have to do the much dreaded climb. At my training sessions, my trainer Michael tells me to do the climb, I hate it so much, I scream and I cry, but no one saves me, I still have to do it.
I overheard them say that this Saturday, I begin real obedience classes with other dogs of all ages and sizes. I'm EXCITED! There are 6 levels and I've been so good, I can jump straight to level 3. I wonder what they'll be teaching me....
Me and my gal pal hanging around
Me and my gal pal getting to know each other a little better
The 3 amigoes - Birdie the Japanese Chin, Piggy the French Bulldog, Kimi the Airedale
Mummy totally set me free offleash and since there was hardly anyone around in our corner, I had a blast of a time in the evening when the sun was about to set.