This entry is back dated. As you may read in the previous blog entry, friends had come to stay with us for a week. There were many things to do, and Mum and I simply had no time to update my blog.

from left, Me, Dad, Rob, Mum, Rachel, and Koos (the entire backpacking crew)
Our hike destination was Twin Lakes. Located in the Cascade Mountain range, Snoqualmie-Mt Baker Forest in Washington. It is about a 3 hour drive from our house to the trailhead. Rachel and Koos are from Canberra, Australia, and they both loved hiking too. What a great way to see the Pacific Northwest.
Hike distance: 8 miles return
Elevation Gain: 1000ft
Terrain: Varied, but mostly forest floor, rocky trails, and along the river
We camped at the upper Twin Lake, which was nicer because there was an actual campsite, with a fire ring, so we were able to make a fire for the night.

Daddy leading the way as Alpha, me following off leash and Rachel following behind as we hike single file along a granite rocky path. I always hike offleash because I am very reliable and trail friendly. I have been trained to hike behind the alpha at a consistent pace and not to hinder other hikers or cause any problems.

Mum and I, taking a short break, while we feast our eyes on the beautiful vistas of the mountains around us.

Another break stop.
I keep my backpack harness on during the stops, so that it isn't too troublesome putting it back on. I also wear a bear bell (muted in the mesh bag) so that I can alert any bears that our hiking party is approaching. Rob is also resting by my side, chatting with Koos (not shown in photo).

The family that hikes together, stays together.

After getting to our camping destination, we were awestruck by the beauty of the place. Vistas in every direction, and a nice wooden platform for sunbathing. Absolutely divine. Here Mum and Dad pose in a photo, while I sit in the foreground.

Learning to walk on logs floating on the lake surface. Balancing can be very tough when the logs roll around in the water...

Mum and I sunbathing on the wooden platform

Daddy and I


Wading in the lake

I loved exploring the area on my own, while Mum kept a watchful eye over me. She doesn't make a fuss when I fall into the water, or yell out for me when I go out of sight. She knows I don't wander too far off, and I also keep an eye on her. I follow Mum everywhere she goes. So while she takes photographs, or meditate in her silence, I wander off to explore on the logs, or wade through the shallows. This is the good life.

Keeping my eye on Mum while I wade through the long grass on the lake.

Doing what dogs do best, sniffing, exploring, basking, absorbing all that is good in nature.

Chilling out with the boys on the wooden platform. (from left, Me, Rob, Daddy and Koos)

When dusk came, we settled back at the campsite, and built a nice warm fire to keep us toasty. We sat around the fire, played word games and shared stories after a long 4 mile hike. (A good distance considering this is the first proper backpacking hike with a heavy backpack that turned out successful - no snow on trail)

Watching my parents have dinner around the fire, while I wait for my dinner. (raw beef flanken ribs)

At the end of the return hike on the 2nd day, I soaked my feet in the gushing river to soothe my paws. Because of the late snow fall in April, and the great amounts of snow we had this past winter, the river was running very strong and high. Mum was so worried that I might wade too far out, and she kept calling for me to stay close to shore. (That's me in the photo telling Mum not to worry)

One of the many scenic vistas on our hike.
Washington is really a green and beautiful state. I love my state and I hope we stay here long. It rains often and it gets cold, but the rain keeps everything fresh and pretty. The air here is so good too. There are thousands of trails for hiking and packpacking, and so many places to explore. I hope we go hiking again soon.
Oh, by the way, we just had our 4th of July weekend. I hated the fireworks and the loud booming and low frequency booms. My parents were playing Taboo with Oma and Opa in the kitchen, and we spent a bit of time looking at the fireworks from the kitchen, but most of that time, I was tucked in between Mummy's legs. I wanted to stay close to Mum and Dad. I didn't shiver or shake, or act too scared, but I wasn't happy if you asked me how I felt about fireworks.