Fall City Days Parade
One of the main events while I was away included the Fall City Days Parade. My school, Cascade K9 was one of the entries to do the parade so we all dressed up in our school t-shirts, and bandannas for the dogs and off we went. We did obedience drills and walked in formation during the parade, it was fun.

There were loud sirens, fire engines, all kinds of people, policemen, firemen in weird hats, people in strange costumes, screaming children, and many other loud noises, but we the dogs were all chill and cool. No drama kings or queens. Everyone behaved their best. It was very impressive to see 24 dogs marching in unison and formation with the owners. It was fun for us doggies too.

Dad's friend, Koos and Rachel came to stay with us, and we all had a fun time together.
Now my Oma (grandma in German) and Opa (grandpa in German) are staying with us, and we've been busy too. Going to Seattle, doing little touristy things around town, and having meals out. Busy busy busy.
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