Some of my friends are curious about what kinds of supplements and treats I get, since I am a rawfed dog, so I kicked Mummy's butt into writing an entry about it, and photographing what I have in stock right now.

Above is the whole list of what we have right now, but every now and then, things get changed around, and the combinations change every day. I don't take everything everyday, its varied constantly. Above includes, Salmon Oil, Cod Liver Oil, Deep Sea Kelp (powdered form), Ligaplex, and various pro-biotics. They are added to about 4 out of 7 meals. Mum's rationale is that, although as a raw fed dog, I should adhere strictly to the raw diet, or one as closely resembling to what a wild dog or coyote might eat, there are things possibly in the wild that I cannot ever attain as a family dog. Things such as fur, feathers, eyeballs, brains, inerts etc, the oddity that isn't included in the supermarket packaged animal. The nutrients in these odd items may be lacking and so Mum adds these to my diet, just in case.

The treats I get do not contain grain, wheat, artificial coloring, additives and anything unnatural. Some of my favorites include smoked bones with fillings, lamb fillets and real meat jerky. My favorite brand of treats is from Merrick.

I get other strange treats as well, such as real fish crunch crackers, real meat jerky made from beef, chicken, venison, fish. I also love dried chicken breasts strips and I get the rare rawhide once in a long while. When I was a teeny tiny pup, Mum used small Simon and Huey's Treats to reward me. They are so small, tiny and chewy, they don't need much crunching and that helped to maintain training momentum. They come in various flavors, chicken, ginger, honey etc. Very healthy delicious tiny treats.

So while Mum was arranging my treats to photograph them, I stuck my nose around, and I knew there was good stuff on the table. I've been trained not to put my dirty paws on the table, so I just let my nose do the snooping. Yummy...

Mummy, see I'm sitting so nicely for you. Can I get some now?

Mum put a small piece of venison jerky on the edge of the table so that I could eat it. That's a nice reward for not messing up her table.

Here is a closeup of the various treats I get.

Can you spot something odd about my body? Yes, I've been handstripped again. Lately, the sun started to shine out from behind those grey Seattle clouds and it was getting HOT. I was panting a lot lately since my fur has grown so thick, so mum has spend quite a many days handstripping me again, down to the skin. It has kept me cool and comfortable again. The above picture was taken about a week and a half ago in the first phase.
Maggie and Mitch sent us lots of Merrick treats for my birthday. They were great, so much better than treats you can get here which are full of rubbish. The only treats ma buys us are the fish skins. She's going to see of anywhere here sells the Merrick's stuff.
Toodle pip
Harry x
Hey Harry,
Maggie and Mitch are really great airepals aren't they? Wow, you're one lucky dog to get Merrick treats, they aren't very cheap, and are really good high quality treats. Fish skins? That sounds nice, why haven't my mum bought me any? Humppphhh!! I'll have to get my mum to find me fish skins. Are they dry or wet packaged?
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