Last month, my Aire buddy Mr. T-Bone Beasley and his friend Chef (a boxer) decided to organize a doggie gift exchange for many of us "Dogs with Blogs" members. Now, we're dogs with blogs from all over the world, so the gift exchange was called "International Goody Exchange". Mum and I signed up of course, and our paired member was Moco. Moco is a terrier mix from Oregon, not far away from us. Only in the next state.

Moco and his Grammy sent me a BIG HUGE box, and I was so surprised that the gift came so big and nice. My box was smaller for Moco, and now I feel like I gave too little to my new friend.

I was so curious about the box, what is in there? Why does it smell so interesting? I really wanted to tear it up, but Mum had to help because I'm not allowed to rip open boxes or tear packages.

She finally opened it, and I could smell a whiff of treats and toys.

I was so focussed on my box of goodies, even Daddy got excited and came to help me unwrap and take everything out. We were like kids at a candy store.

Daddy came and took out my new toys and treats and laid them on the floor for me to examine my surprises. They were so wonderful. Thank you Moco and grammy.

Wow!! I have SO MANY new things..

Here's me and all my new things from Moco.

I must say that my Mummy was very proud of me and happy that I have new doggie friends from all over the world and that's fun. The whole idea that we're all connected through the Internet makes the world seem like a smaller place, and proves that there is love and wonder, sweet gentle kind people, and generosity in the world despite all the wars, bloodshed, pain, inequality and hate.

I enjoy the simple life. I lead a very loved and pampered life. I love my Mummy and Daddy, I take care of my home, and garden, I wag my tail when I see friends, and I give kisses to show I love them. That's my life, and what a wonderful life it is.

Opening up a new treat.

I'm having a ball of a time, chomping on my new treat. Thank you Moco.


And those rabbit puffs are just devine!! You've got to have some of these Moco.

Mum said I had to pose with them while I eat them, so I stayed patient while 'chilling' next to those irresistible treats. Then she said 'free' and I got a new rabbit puff.

They are the best. So nice and tasty. I'm going to get Mum to keep an eye out for them at the stores, so if she sees them, she'll have to buy them for me.

Here's a smile for you Moco, and Grammy. That was the best doggie present I've ever gotten in all my 3 years of dog life. Even my parents never give me such a luxurious big pressie all at once before. That was just marvelous. You made my weekend!!
I hope you enjoy your gift from me too.
Holy Moley! You got Yogi Bear, Kimi and lots and lots of yummy treats! We are totally drooling here! Moco sure sent you awesome gifts!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Wow Kimi, you got lots of great goodies from Moco! You are one lucky pup. Mmm, have not tried wabbit before. I bet it tastes oh sooo good!
Butt shakes,
Solid Gold Dancer
You hit the jackpot Kimi!!
Cassidy x
I am so glad that you like your goody package. You are so nice, polite and well behaved. None of us can sit still like you do. I have to say that Grammie is impressed with your manners. We love your tent and know you will do very well at the agility trials. We are crossing our paws for you to get a first.
I liked my goody package also. We had a movie, but Grammie can't figure out how to get it loaded. I am hoping that she will get pictures up in the next few days.
Hi Kimi
Moco sure sent you some great pressies, how about that Yogi cute is that.
You are such a good dale and you have very good manners. Have fun with your new toys.
Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess Lucy
That present looked AWESOME!!!! Why aren't you allowed to open the boxes? That's the best part! The shredding of the box...the puncturing of the corner...mmmmmm box. Mmmmm rabbit puffs. Mmmmm chewies! You totally made out! Moco hooked you up good! Whooohooo!
Mr. T-Bone Beasley
Gee Kimi you sure did get A LOT of really neato stuff! I feel bad for not being able to send too much to Neko...I really like the picture of you with the smiley face Pogos hehe, youre so cute!
puppy breath,
Fantastically well behaved - I wish ours was.
Hi from, the social network for dog owners and dog lovers.
We're looking for members with quality dogs and 'tails' to add stuff to our site.
Hope you have time to have a look at us.
Hey Kimi -
You out camping or hiking ???
Hope Mom took some GREAT shots of you and your Dad and all the GREEN outside...
Have a WONDERFUL day !!!
Wow Kimi - the mother lode! Great stuff!
Hope you're well :)
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