Kimi The Airedale Terror - The Chronicles
Hello to everyone, big and small, furry or not. Welcome to my blog, a place where I share my stories, adventures and mishaps. My human mummy Sheila decided that every extraordinary airedale (such as me) should have a dedicated website or blog, so that's why this blog was spawned. We've added a 2nd Airedale into our pack. Rummy is a cheerful outgoing younger brother, and the both of us make life worth living for our human Mum. Cheerio
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Hard Tools and More Exploration

Ear Gluing

Finally, the day came when Rummy got his ears glued. We had to rectify his low ear set, and as we've mentioned before, the lower tips of Rummy's ear leather fall below the eye level, and that is a bit too low. If we don't do anything about it, it will start looking like hound ears, and that is a fault in the show ring. The gluing is purely for vanity sake, and it is fairly common to have Terrier ears glued down.

Notice how the lower tip of his ear leather is no longer an inch below his eye level. The ear leather closer to his skull is glued down to his face, but the part further out is left totally open so that he can still have air circulation to his ears. Immediately after gluing, Rummy gets a brand new bully stick, and a piece of pork hock, and all I got was a piece of pork hock.

Chilling When it is Raining

Wednesday, October 28, 2009
A Walk in Our Woods

Steve's Visit

Steve is Rob's younger brother. He lives close by so it is nice when we have extended family over. But he didn't bring Japhy with him, Japhy is getting older and older, so he is having more difficulty getting into the truck.
Rummy's 12 Week Old photos

His face changes week by week. It is quite amazing to see how he is growing. He's starting to look more and more like a grown up adult. Rummy is starting to sprout out more and more wiry coarse hair. 1/3 of his tail is already covered with wiry hair. His front and back legs are getting lankier and lankier, and his coordination is getting so much better.
The First Grooming

Rummy's Visit to the Vet

A lot of vets insist on dogs getting annual boosters, and are against feeding raw, only because they don't know any better, and were brainwashed by the major pet food corporations while they were still in Vet School. Of course, if dogs like me go in more often to get shots, then the vets get more income too, so I'm really glad that Siegler isn't the usual vet off the mill.