Remember when I mentioned earlier in an older post that one of my favorite places to go to is Rattlesnake Lake? Yes, and this time, one of my good friends Beastly came with me on a playdate. His mum Jane and my mum get along very well, and Beastly and I are actually classmates at Agility class in our dog school.
Rattlesnake lake is a very beautiful but odd looking place. You'll see why later.

Here I am, chewing on a stick which I found along the shores of the lake.

Beastly is a Flat Coated Retriever. His coat is black, shiny and luxurious. We took turns finding sticks and branches, then we brought it to each other and shared the chewing. It was really fun, because we also tried to get our Mums to throw the sticks into the lake for us to fetch.

Running with Beastly

The odd landscape at Rattlesnake lake looks almost other-worldly. At the other end of the lake, there are many tree stumps sticking out of the water. They were probably old trees that were cut down. Why? I do not know, but it does create a very strange looking landscape. Almost eerie. Mum being an avid LOTR fan, said it resembled something that would come out of Middle Earth, in the dark lands of Mordor.

Beastly and I, exploring along the lakeshore that looks eerie.
All the white dots in the picture above are snow drops, as it started to snow while we were out exploring along the lakeshore.

Suddenly, we saw 3 other dogs that came from the opposite side of the lake. There was a brown lab, a golden retriever and a noisy cocker spaniel. We said all our hellos, and proceeded to play chase. We ran around and took turns chasing each other. It was fun.

Hey Mum, I'm having fun.

Me running
on water? No, the lake is very shallow at some parts, so I could actually pounce and run along, making it look like I could run on water. Mum said I look very funny when I do my zoomies. I tuck my tail low and hop around like a bunny.

Exploring old roots in the shallow lake

I can't swim, so I relied on Beastly to swim out into the lake to fetch the thrown sticks, while I wait close to the shore to grab the sticks from him.

Exploring together

Beastly and I playing with a stick along the shore. Look at the beautiful evergreen trees in the forests, and the distant snow capped mountains in the background. I love Washington because it is so beautiful, and there's always something for me to do, somewhere to go explore.

Hey Beastly, thanks for bringing back the stick, let's play!

A game of tug on the shore with Beastly.

Following Beastly as we walk along the lake together. Beastly has patches of blue on his tongue, can you spot it?


Mum and me

I love my Mummy, for taking me out on regular explorations. Here are some kisses and licks for you Mum. Ok, now when we will start hiking again? Spring is almost upon us...