Wednesday, May 17, 2006

I'm Officially a Calender Month

On Monday evening, my parents received a call from a lady who told them that I was one of the winning entries selected for the 2007 Week of the Airedale Calender. It is a 16 month calender compiled by the Airedale Terrier Club of America, and I'm going to be featured in one of the months... this is such great happy news. Mum kept smiling to herself and grinning from ear to ear, because she was so proud of me. Even Dad had a tear in his eye, because he was so happy and proud too. Mum indulges herself and thinks I'm now a calender model.
The photo that was sent in, was a photo of me chewing on a straw when I was 11 weeks old. We were taking an evening stroll around our neighbourhood as usual. It was dusk and the setting sun lent us its golden rays, and just then, I smiled at the camera and it became a beautiful shot. I call it a magic shot. Mum says it is a combination of factors that make a photo beautiful, the subject has to be photogenic (i.e. ME), the setting has to be complementary, the lighting, the capability of the camera, and the 'eye' and talent of the photographer. Everything has to be just right, to create one magical photo.
This is the winning photo that got me a calender spot.


At 10:33 AM, Blogger Bogart H. Devil said...

Congratulations Kimi!!!!!


At 5:08 PM, Blogger Liberty Doo Dah said...

Hi Kimi! I"m Liberty, the Airedale from Texas! Congrats on becoming a calender celebrity! My mum didn't didn't enter that contest. Her excuse is that the daggum 'puter broke! Rats! I wish I could go on long 4 mile hikes like you do! However, it's HOT down here in Texas and I'd wish I was back in the A/C after about 45 minutes! :)

At 10:33 PM, Blogger Kimi Wagner said...

Hi Liberty, the weather is getting hotter each day up here in WA too. Its only 75 deg today, and I've been panting indoors the whole day, and Mum still took me out walking for 2 hours. She did feed me ice as a treat... maybe your mum can do the same.


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