Mum let me stay home on Sunday with the housemates because she went to Portland to see the Rose City dog show. She came home in the evening all excited, and said it was time to groom me again. Thank goodness she was too tired, and said she'd start on Monday. She took many nice photos of the show dogs, models all of them, and said she was going to make me look like them. (HUH? Emm....) Handstripped and all. I wonder how they survived the cold winter this past Dec. Hmm... I guess they must have stayed indoors.

Here is the Airedale that got his championship this past weekend at the show. He looks so much like me when I'm groomed, don't you think?

A full body shot of the same champ.
When I'm full groomed after 2 weeks, I look a bit like him, except that I'm taller and slightly more boned in. My dad Maxx was 75lbs. I'm only 65lbs now. I'm not the biggest nor the smallest of the dales.

I'm not sure if I ever mentioned it on the blog, but my Mum's favorite dog is the Giant Schnauzer. She loves me to bits, but she has been dreaming of having one since 2004. But Mum ended up getting me instead in 2006 after a 2 year wait.

She came home telling me that someday, hopefully I'll be able to get a brother, maybe a dale like me, or a Giant. If you ask me, the Giant looks like a blacker bigger version of me with bigger ears and a longer beard. I don't know how I feel right now about having a baby brother, especially if he's going to grow up taller than me, but I sure hope he's a lover boy.

Beautiful Airedale

This is a girlie Airedale. So tender, slight and pretty.

I wonder if I'll ever get to look like him.
I know I won't ever be in the show ring, because I've been fixed. But that doesn't mean I won't be in the Agility ring. I think its time to go back to Agility Mum, don't you think so?