Agility is Fun

There is a row of treadmills in school, just for us doggies. Isn't it fascinating? Many of my fellow doggie schoolmates learn how to run on the treadmill when we are puppies. I learnt to run on the treadmill when I was about 6 months old. It is a good way to burn some of the energy we may have pent up inside. In rains very often here in Seattle, so running on the treadmill is a great way to keep fit and healthy despite the weather.

You sure do have a lot of fun, don't you, Kimi!
Happy Valentine's day!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
That course looks great fun - we love the look of the tunnel, though I bet Gertrude would be too scared to go through it! You must just be so fit and athletic!
Love the photos of you opening your treats below too -
Love Molly and Gertrude
Goooooooooooooo Kimi!
Happy Valentine's Day :)
Agility looks fun, whee! Angel Oscar did lots of agility. Me does tunnel at my puppy class and me LOVES it so much. Me no be big enough to do other stuff yet, but me hopes me can when me be little bit bigger.
Cassidy x
Oh, I like Agility too but nothing beats Flyball! Oh yeah bebe, Flyball...So kewl that your school has treadmills just for doggies. Do you warm up on there everytime before you start running? You look like you're having loads of fun! Maybe next time, your mama can take a video of you in action. I love to watch my doggy friends!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Wow, you sure can run that agility course! It looks like great fun!
Poppy & Penny
You sure look like your enjoying the agility class Kimi. Becareful though, don't want you slipping of that seesaw.
Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy
Those are some great action shots of you, Kimi. I do agility too. My favorites are tunnel, teeter, and chute. I totally suck at weave poles and dog walk.
Hi Kimi! We found you through DWB....nice to meet you :) I used to do agility and loved it. But we didn't have any treadmills. Maybe because we have sunshine here in the land of entrapment almost every day of the year!
Peace + Paws,
Zen (and the rest of the zoo crew)
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