The postman came by today, and dropped off a very special package. Mum said that it was for me, and it was from my buddy Bogart, who lives down in California. I've never had a package specially meant for me from a doggie friend before, so I got really excited and happy. "Woo Woo Woof" means Thank You So Much Bogart!!

I wondered what was inside, I couldn't smell anything, but the label clearly had my name on it. So I figured I shouldn't waste any time in opening it.

Out came a packet of treats, dried chicken breast and beef hearts. My favorite kind of treats!! Arroooooroooo!!

I didn't waste a single moment and tried to tear the packet open, but Mum had to help with the scissor.

I was SO happy!!

Thank you Bogart! You're the bomb!

Mum said to show my appreciation, I should pose with my treat, a piece of beef heart and Bogart's namecard, so I did. Mum sniffed at my beef heart treat and she said it smelled good, I could tell she was tempted to take a bite out of MY treat. No way Mummy, Bogart sent it to me.


I had the best pressie ever. Bogart, you're the first doggie friend who has ever sent me something in the mail. You're way too cool.
You have lots of self control, Kimi! We made mom let us have those treats pronto! Bogie is one awesome chef!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
We have some treats on the way from Bogart too. Now we have seen you eat yours our mouths are watering in anticipation! I just hope the pesky customs dogs don't sniff them out and eat them!
Toodle pip
Harry x
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