Daddy takes me out running with him in our neighbourhood because I have tonnes of energy and I need to burn it off. I've been crated a lot over this past weekend, and this is good therapy for me to let out all my frustration. We run about 4 miles on our regular route. Daddy runs more often, but I run about twice a week to build up my strength, stamina and endurance. My parents say I'll need it when Spring and Summer comes, and we hike and camp more regularly. I've never camped out in the wild before, so I'm really looking forward to all the excitement.

See, I'm so big, my mum can barely carry me in her arms. I am now 28 pounds at 18 weeks of age. I am growing up strong and happy, with muscle definition and healthy skin and a good coat.

Mum takes me walking about 1-2 miles when we walk on normal days, but this run was tiring for me. I was pooped out at the end and I just chilled out and was happy and contented. I find myself a pillow and just crash in front of the sofa with my parents. Ah.. the good life..
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