Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Our First Offical Meeting

On Saturday, Mum brought back baby Blue. Koa and I met him in the front yard, and he was presented to us. Mum carried him and allowed us to sniff his butt and belly, and after a while, she put him down on the ground, so that we could investigate a little further. Koa and I showed great interest in the little fella, Rummy was a little tentative, and who wouldn't be? Koa and I are both huge dogs. But Rummy wasn't too timid or shy, he allowed us to sniff him, and let us come near to him.
If it got too much for the little fella, he would go behind the bush, thinking he could get away from us, but no, we could still get to him, and after a while when he saw that nothing bad was happening to him, and no one was making a fuss, he would just come back out. Rob and Mum didn't make any sound, or make any moves, they just let us do our dog thing, and make the introductions as smoothly as possible, without too much human intervention. Mum said, no need for nervous or anxious energy. Everybody staying calm is the best way to introduce a new pack member into our pack. So he's here to stay huh mum?
Koa and I, keeping a close eye and a close nose to Rummy's every move and sound he made. Koa was even more interested in the puppy, practically following every move he made. Seeing puppies and dog is a norm for me, and I didn't think it was such a big deal. But I guess, Koa felt that he needed to pay more attention, after all, this was his house. And besides, this was really the first ever young puppy to stay with him, even for a while, so this was a big deal for Koa.
"Hello big brother Kimi", says Rummy. "I'm just a little fella, I'm not a threat to you, see my submissive body postures and polite canine manners? I'm the blue boy who kept following you when I was at the breeders and you first saw me. Please accept me."
Rummy is a pretty cute puppy, and I can tell from his scent, he is male, 10 weeks old, been eating kibble, and he has many brothers and sisters.



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