Ruffian's Recent show in Portland OR

Being primed on the table can take a long time. Showing is not for every Dale.

I think the Otterhound trait in my geneology makes me too "duh" and laid back to be shown as a strong feisty cocky terrier.

The latest news on Ruffian. He is being shown by a professional handler, Woodie Wornall and he is now going around in the show circuit. His last show in Lompoc earned Ruffian his 2nd major. He earned 3 points as Best of Winners. He now has a total of 7 major points. He is now residing in CA with Woodie until he gets his CH and then he will return home to Seattle.
Another news about my full littermate Sister, Foxxi Roxxi. She is now expecting a litter of pups, and she is in labor today. The pups are going to come out anytime now, and we're all waiting for the exciting news of her delivery. I am wishing my sis Roxxi and healthy and smooth delivery. I hope her owners are happy and all will be well.