Wednesday, January 16, 2008

The Wrapper Goes Pop Pop Pop!!

I love most things in our world, but every now and then, things arrive in my house wrapped up in this white stuff called "Bubble Wrap", and Mum and Dad just love playing with Bubble Wrap. I don't fancy them too much, cos bubble wrap goes "Pop, Pop, Pop" which sound like 4th of July fireworks or thunder, and these scare the hell out of me. I suspect Mum and Dad deliberately leave them lying around the house to get me to share their enjoyment. Wow, thanks Mum and Dad.
Dreaded Bubble Wrap laying in my living room.

Ok Mum, I'll pose here, but this is as close as I'll get to it.

Mum trying to convince me that Bubble Wrap is really a fun thing to play with.
Now, the wrap is still laying in my house and I've gotten used to it. I don't mind Mum and Dad stepping on it and making it pop, but no way am I going to bite it myself. I've been sniffing it, laying close to it and such, but I don't think I'm ready to make it go pop.

Mum's study is also the laundry folding/ironing room. I do my best to stay involved, and help her out by keeping an eye on her to make sure she's doing it right, but it sure is nice to take an afternoon nap, while she works hard. Ahh, its tough being a dog.

One of my favorite things to do is dis-emboweling my toys. And I get to do it legally under the watchful eye of my parents. Their rationale is, this is what dogs do, and besides, I've been good, never eating what is inside. I just spit it right out, so I get to 'kill' my toys for fun. And it sure is fun.

I love playing rope tug with Dad. He likes playing rough with me, he shakes and tugs and pulls, and I don't let go. Every now and then, he lets go, sometimes he doesn't, and he says "Aus" which is German for "out" and then I release the toy, and we start the game all over again.

This is a Christmas present I got from Nanny Lydia. It is a Santa soft toy that sings a Christmas carol to me. The singing lasted for 3 whole days until I killed the squeak. He He He.


At 7:25 PM, Blogger Lizzy said...

Hi Kimi! I really like your blog!

I don't care much for that plastic bubble wrap stuff either, to tell you the truth. My humans are crazy about it too, but I don't like the stuff.

I hope you're having a great New Year so far!


At 8:02 PM, Blogger Kimi Wagner said...

Hi Sparky, Glad you dropped by. Its been raining and snowing here and I haven't been able to spend much time outdoors and I'm so bored. Hope you're having a much better time at your neck of the woods.

Hope your new year's great too.


At 10:36 PM, Blogger Amber-Mae said...

I've never seen a bubble wrap before. Is it that scawie? I'm not scared of thunder or fireworks infact, I enjoy watching the fireworks going on in the sky at nite. Seriously! My sista Faith & Chloe loves disemboweling their stuffies too. They're good at it but they don't eat it too coz they said it tastes moldy...Mommy says you're a pretty boy & you look pweetty much like a lady on that couch with your dead Santa Paws.

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

At 1:51 AM, Blogger Harry said...

I don't think I'd like bubble wrap either Kimi. I HATE fireworks and bangs. Cassidy would be fine. She isn't bothered one bit by loud noises and spent New Year in the garden with ma watching the fireworks!

Toodle pip,
Harry x

At 2:41 AM, Blogger Dandy Duke said...

I hate, hate, hate bubblewrap! Mom and dad like to squeeze it just to get me barking! That's just plain mean!
Mitch is wanting to play tug with you and your dad! That's one of his favorite games to play!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

At 9:52 PM, Blogger Bogart H. Devil said...

Hi Kimi!

I'm not a fan of the bubble wrap either, I prefer the disemboweling as well... that's an awfully nice portrait of you :)


At 3:25 AM, Blogger Noah the Airedale said...

Hiya Kimi,
We've never seen bubble wrap but none of us are too keen on popping noises. Your rope toy looks like fun. We got one for Christmas too.

Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy

At 9:41 AM, Blogger The Thuglets said...

Kimi we only get to see bubble wrap we are not allowed near it as we would pop it and rip it..well someone named Teddy would!LOL

Looks like youa re having some fun games. We love the last piccie of you absolutely fabulous!

Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx

At 12:52 PM, Blogger Finni said...

Wow, Kimi, you're bilingual! That's cool.
I like to de-stuff my toys too. My mum has lots of bubble wrap but only the small stuff, that doesn't pop so loud and I'm ok with that.
I bet your parents were pretty happy when you killed the squeak :)
Finni xx

At 6:41 AM, Blogger erin said...

All you pups don't know what you're missing. Bubble wrap is totally pawsome! I love to tear that stuff up! It makes a great sound too.
Oddly, I never destuff my toys. Does that make me a weirdo?

At 6:28 PM, Blogger Lacy said...

woofies Kimi, me not mind bubble wrap, i gess cauz me cant hear it so good anymore...mama luvs it...its fun u gets to destuff ur toys, dey always fuss at me when me does dat...

b safe,

At 6:55 PM, Blogger Mississauga Kids said...

Hey when I play tugger with my boy I always make sure my feet are on the carpet too. It is the only way to really dig in my paws. Otherwise I slide all around!

Ellie in Ontario

At 9:05 PM, Blogger powder-puff said...

HEY kimi!!

Nice to meet you!!

I really had fun reading some of youre blog, you are such a cute dog!!

my mum loves bubble wrap too, its probably a hooman thing!!

peace out


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