Jan 22nd Sunday - Yeah! We're Home

Hi all, we're finally home. Daddy starting setting up a baby gate between the kitchen and the living room. Being a good boy, I decided I would "help out". I carried all the packets of knobs and things all over the house so that it'll be easier for daddy to organize them but I think he didn't appreciate my help at all.
I really like my new home. I heard it rains 365 days a year in Seattle, but I think its only a rumour. The skies were clear and the stars came out when I arrived and it was so lovely. Mummy bought me an adult sized crate but I didn't really want to go in. She put my toys in there and some treats too, so I went in just to make her happy. I didn't sleep there though, mummy bought me a nice big bagel bed and I sleep right next to Mummy'd side of the bed. Daddy said dogs aren't allowed on beds, and I didn't see mummy disagree. She said I'm going to grow up into a big boy and there won't be any space for all 3 of us. So I was happy in my bagel bed.
When I arrived, I was really excited. There was so many new smells and textures and things to taste and put into my mouth. I have this new fire hose toy which I love to chew and fling and its indestructable. We'll see about that. My first night in my real home, I behaved myself very well. I slept most of the night, but I couldn't sleep after the 2nd pee break at 2am and I tossed and turned the hour away till it was 3.45pm and the 3rd pee break. Mummy has to wake up every 2 hours to take me out to pee, can you imagine how hard it must be for her? I wonder...
I wanted to try my hand at interior designing so I decided that the floor mat wasn't so pretty at the doorway. Better that it becomes my chew toy. Mummy didn't think it was very nice, so she took the floor mat and put it back at the unsightly place near the door. Sigh... I'll have to try taking it when she isn't noticing.
Then I found two very interesting items, which I've never seen before. One was called an African Drum and the other was an Australian Didgeridoo. I tried to play on it but it toppled over, Daddy said the two special items will have to go to the garage, it won't be nice if they fell on me. Maybe when I'm older, I can try again.
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