Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Easter Egg Hunt for Canines

Believe it or not! We had our very own Easter Egg Hunt this past Easter Sunday. Our friend Laura opened her nursery for us, and all of us (11 dogs, mostly Airedales and their humans) had such a ball of a time. 
On our way in the car to the nursery.
Rummy jumping for joy and so happy to see so many Airedales in 1 place. Wow, free treats too!
Airedales greeting one another. There were 7 Airedales of all ages at this event. How wonderful!
From left, Kimi, Gromit, Rummy and Hamilton

Rummy at 8 months of age, has started lifting his legs to pee and mark like the big boys.

And so the Easter Egg Hunt begins... Humans and dogs hustle for treats.

Me and my Easter egg. I can smell the treats in the egg, but how do I open this? They are closed tight, but Mum opened it for me, and I had myself free treats. It was first come first served. Whoever finds the egg gets the treats inside. What a fun game. 
Gromit and I sharing the contents of an egg. There were so many eggs around, we share nicely.

Easter eggs line the borders. They are easier for us to find this way.

Me and another Easter Egg. Yummy goodies.
Chester and his special Easter eggs. He is very old, and has many ailments. He can't eat anything bigger than a pea, so he needs special liquid cheese in his purple Easter eggs. His human Karla filled them specially so he wouldn't feel left out.

Many more doggies, and their humans
Airedales hopping around Megan for more eggs.

Megan showing off her wonderful Airedale Rescue t-shirt

Chester and his human Karla opening an Easter egg. Chester wears a special vest that keeps in place and hides a tube that feeds into his belly.

That's me, doing my best to look good to Karla, hoping she'd share her cheese with me. I love cheese.
Me and Annie, we suspect Annie is 6 or 7, and we don't really know because she's a rescue dog.
Annie is not young, but she has the look of an everlasting Airedale puppy. No wonder Rummy likes her.
Rummy made a new great friend that Easter day. He and Annie chased each other non stop. Such fun. Of course, Annie was the more dominant, and they took turns dominating each other in play.
My baby brother Rummy, eating treats from his Easter egg.
Mavy is a field springer, he is 1. Rummy loves him too. They share good energy together because they are close in age, and love to play chase.

Rummy (background), Lady (old dale) and myself, looking for more Easter Eggs.
After a while, Debbie was squeezing out liquid cheese from a can. Rummy helped himself to the concoction. Barley was having a good time with liquid cheese too.
Karla and the hard boiled Easter Eggs.

Rummy Cub

My brother Rummy and I

Look at us, can you resist our smiling faces? Ok now, pass over those treats.

Rummy and Gromit playing rough

That was the first ever Easter Egg hunt for Rummy and myself. What a blast! I hope we have one every year.



At 2:23 AM, Blogger Duke said...

What a fun Easter egg hunt for the both of you and all of your friends, Kimi! Annie does look like an overgrown puppy!
We've never had squirt cheese before but we've had whipped cream!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

At 3:52 PM, Blogger Sherry said...

That looks like the most incredible absolutely fun day for everyone! Thank you for posting all those pictures.
Alanis, Miro and Sherry

At 4:15 PM, Blogger The Airechicks said...

You guy must have had a BLAST - looks like lots of fun!

Annie does look like a pup with LONG legs...

Glad everyone had a GOOD time -

What kind of get together are you pups having for Memorial Day...oh what about Mother's Day surely you Mum would love to celebrate with a "TREASURE HUNT"...

Thank you for sharing...


At 5:56 PM, Blogger Bogart H. Devil said...

Yeah for multi-Dale photos!!! Looks like so much fun!



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